SonarQube UTF-8 error after upgrading
I’ve upgraded a SonarQube instance, and then, suddently I realyze that some builds start failing due to to a strange error in the SonarQube complete analysis task.
Thiserror in turns made the entire task execution failing with a really strange error
This is really annoying, but actually I start investigating the error logging to the build server and checking the file that generates the error. When you have strange encoding erorr I strongly suggested you to visualize the file with some Hex editor, and not a standard editor. I immediately realized that the error is due to my GitVersion task script, because it manipulates assemblyinfo.cs files to change version numbers and save back the assemblyinfo.cs in UTF-16 encoding. If you do not know Byte Order Mark I strongly suggest you to take a look in wikipedia, because this is an important concepts for Unicode files.
I immediately checked with an hex editor, and verified that the original assemblyinfo.cs has a BOM for UTF-8 but the PowerShell script modified it converting to UTF-16 but the BOM is correct. The annoying stuff is that the build worked perfectly until I updated SonarQube (server + analyzers) this means that for some reason, the most recent version of Sonar somewhat does not check the BOM to understand file encoding.
I’ve solved the problem simply changing the Set-Content call to force UTF8 and the problem is gone.
I really like SonarQube, but you should always verify that everything works after every upgrade.
Gian Maria.