Really impressed by AspNix web hosting

I needed to move my blog on another hosting quickly, and I was puzzled on what hosting to choose. Since I had no much time to evaluate a series of alternative, I asked to some friends for an hosting that have monthly billing and they directed me towards aspnix. Since I had no time to evaluate alternatives my plan was to move the blog on a cheap monthly plan then evaluate alternatives. I choose  the Windows Starter Web Hosting, it costs $3.00 at each month but I had also a discount coupon so I paid $2.20 for each month.

Since the host was really really cheap and it is a shared hosting, I expected performances to degrade, but I was really surprised that my blog responded really fast, it seemed faster than previous hosting (a dedicated VM). After one month I was really surprised looking at Google Webmaster tools, because the decrease in response time was really huge and not only my impression.


You can surely notice that the time needed to download a page decreased when I moved to aspnix. I’m so happy with it that I’ve decided not to spent time evaluating anything else, and for $2.20 month I can host multiple domains, amazing. I never expected that a cheap and shared hosting would give me better performance than a dedicated VM.

I must admit that AspNix really Rocks!!!!!

Gian Maria.