Bind an Image to a property in WPF
The situation is the following: I have a class that has a Status property of type SingleAnalysisStatus enum, and I want to show a different png image, based on the status of the object.
The solution is to write a custom IValueConverter that convert from the enum to a valid resource file, but we need to pay specific attention. In WPF you can include images as resources in a very simple way, just include the images in the project and set the build Action to Resource, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: include an image file as resource in a WPF application
In this way you can simply use this syntax to assign a resource image to an object of type Image
You can simply specify the path of the image in the Source property of an Image Element, but to show a different image depending on the value of an enum requires a specific ValueConverter, and you need to be aware that this converter need to convert from the original type to a BitmapImage object, because the Source property of an <image> will not accepts string during binding. Here is how you can accomplish this.
In this snippet of code I’m showing how to bind the Source property of an Image to the Status property of the underling ViewModel, and thanks to the SingleAnalysisStatusConverter object I’m able to convert the status to a valid BitmapImage object. This is the full code of the IValueConverter object.
The key part is the line
return new BitmapImage(new Uri("/AssemblyName;component/" + path, UriKind.Relative));
that creates the BitmapImage passing an uri composed by the: assemblyname + semicolon + component/ + imagepath. With this simple converter I’m able to show different images based on content of a specific property.