Programming Experience a reflection on

This evening I’ve added a new category on the blog, and it’s called “*Experiences”,*and someone could ask why.

In these days I was thinking about my past experiences in programming or related stuff in these years. I’ve begin programming with the Vic20, when the prefix Mega appears only in science Fiction, now we speak about Tera and the world of technology is definitively changed a lot since these days.

This makes me think about how a person increase his/her knowledge during his/hers life. There are a lot of notions that are technologically bound, for example building a WPF application, Using NHibernate or Castle or some other libraries and so on. The problem is that technology is evolving incredibly fast, You still finished a project using.NET WebService (asmx) technology, and WCF renders all your work quite obsolete, you spent time to learn ajax technology when Microsoft Ajax gets out, but now we have silverlight….and it seems that for each new stuff you learn, there are ten new stuffs you do not have time to learn…to bad. We are reaching the point where the time needed to really master one technology is enough for that technology to become obsolete. But this does not means that the effort you did to master it is wasted, every thing we did as human being increase our Experience.

I’ve worked in common or less common environment, I’ve spent time designing layout of integrated circuits, i worked with microtechnologies or with VHDL; I was passionate of low level programming stuff, I’ve spent time on Playstation2 Linux kit, (my tutorial still comes out first in google :D). But the question is: all that time spent on Vertex Units or building DMA Chain had really improved my knowledge? Actually I’m programming at higher level, mainly framework , so I do not have occasion to really use again all computer Graphics knowledge I had in the past…it was all wasted time? I believe not, I really think that everything a person do in his life, contributes to improve his Experience.

You really can find a lot of technical blog in the blogosphere, but there are less place where people are actually sharing their experiences. Technologies inevitably will gets old, but I think experience can survive for a longer time.

So I decided to create a specific category where I’ll try to list some of my experiences in these years on programming, at least the most significant ones, maybe they can be useful to someone else.


Tags: Experience Programming