Delegates and Rhino Mocks

I love delegates, with c# 2.0 anonymous delegates and with C# 3.0 lambda, working with delegates is simply wonderful. Anonymous delegates makes possible to create closure, and I like to use delegate in a lot of places. When you have to test objects that accepts external delegates Rhino Mock is simply exceptional, here is a test I write this afternoon

MultiRange sut1 = CreateMultiRange(50, "pippo", 100, "pluto");
MultiRange sut2 = CreateMultiRange(60, "ted");
MultiRange.AnalyzeMatchInterval functor = repo.CreateMock<MultiRange.AnalyzeMatchInterval>();
Expect.Call(functor(50, 60, "pippo", "ted")).Return(true);
MultiRange.MultipleIntersect(20, functor, sut1, sut2);

It is a simple test for a simple class that makes some form of intersection between ranges, it accepts a function that gets called whenever a range match, the function pass the min value, the max value, and the object tag associated with the match. The important thing is that with a simple line of code, I can set up an expectation and tells Rhino Mocks to verify that the function is called with a particular series of parameters.

This is a typical example of Test Double  with use of Mock, and Rhino Mocks makes all possible with minimum effort;


Tags: Rhino Mocks