WatiN looking for content in GridView

Quite often I need to automate test page and check that the contents of a GridView contains exactly some strings. First of all I have an helper class that helps me to cope with the name that asp.net give to controls contained in another controls, then I write some helper methods to assert that the content of a grid is what I expected to be.

publicstaticvoid TableContentEqAssertion(IE ie, String tableName, Int32 row, Int32 col, String expectedvalue) {
ie.Table(AspControlFinder.FindById(tableName)).TableRows[row].TableCells[col].InnerHtml );

This simple function accepts the IE entity used to check the table, then the row and column of the table and finally the expected value. I simply call this function in this way.

Helpers.TableContentEqAssertion(ie, “GridEsperienze”, 1, 1, “–“);

Simple and concise. But this is not enough, 99% of the times I need to make test and verify that the whole content of the table will contains expected test, with the above function I need to do code like this.

Helpers.TableContentEqAssertion(ie, “GridEsperienze”, 1, 1, “–“);
Helpers.TableContentEqAssertion(ie, “GridEsperienze”, 1, 2, “Segretario Ricevimento”);
Helpers.TableContentEqAssertion(ie, “GridEsperienze”, 1, 3, “aziendaaaaaaaaaaa”);
Helpers.TableContentEqAssertion(ie, “GridEsperienze”, 1, 4, “segretariato”);

This is not exiting L, so I decided to create another function,

publicstaticvoid TableContentEqAssertion(
IE ie,
String tableName,
Int32 startingrow,
paramsString[] expectedvalue) {

          WatiN.Core.Table  t  =  ie.Table(AspControlFinder.FindById(tableName));  

Int32 numOfColumn = t.TableRows[startingrow].TableCells.Length;
Int32 curRow = startingrow;
Int32 curColumn = 0;
foreach (String expected in expectedvalue) {
if (expected != null )
NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(expected, t.TableRows[curRow].TableCells[curColumn].InnerHtml);
if (++curColumn >= numOfColumn) {
curColumn = 0;

This is far better, this function accepts the IE instance, the name of the grid, the starting row (usually 1 to avoid the header) and then a variable number of string arguments. Internally the function simply scan table cells one after another and does an assertion for each not null value in the expectedValue array. For example, in a test I have to verify content of a gridview with 8 column, 2 row + the header and the last three columns contain buttons for Create New, Delete and edit operation and should not be tested. I create the following test.

Helpers.TableContentEqAssertion(ie, “GridEsperienze”, 1,
“06/1991”,“–“, “Segretario Ricevimento”,“aziendaaaaaaaaaaa”,“segretariato”,
null, null, null, “06/1959”, “06/1991”, “Satinatore di metalli”, “la mia azienda”, “Satinatore professionista completo”);

This is a more readable test.
