Again on dynamic control creation in aspnet 20
In a previous post I explain best practices to follow when dealing with dynamic controls in 2.0, but I missed one important point. Try to insert this snippet of code in a blank page
ProtectedSub Button1_Click(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Trace.Warn(“clicked button “ + DirectCast(sender, Button).Text)
ProtectedSub Page_Load(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMe.Load
PrivateSub CreateButtons()
IfNotMe.IsPostBack Then
Dim button AsNew Button
button.Text = “Bottone che poi scompare”
AddHandler button.Click, AddressOf Button1_Click
Dim button2 AsNew Button
button2.Text = “Button2”
AddHandler button2.Click, AddressOf Button1_Click
In this code we create two buttons dynamically during the get of the page, but in each subsequent post only one button gets created, because IsPostBack is true. The behavior of the page can be surprising, pressing “button2” the first time does not fire the Click event, but subsequent clicks work as ususal. The problem is due to the fact that during the first rendering there are two buttons on the page, the first click does the first post on the page, now the code creates only one button and when the engine check the post variables to look for any event to be generated find this post variables (Sniffed with Fiddler).
As we can see the button is called ctl23 because it does not have an id, but when the page render in the first postback the first button does not gets rendered, so the button with text “Button2” now has Id Ctl22, and no event can be generated. In subsequent call the name of the control does not change so no problems happen. As a proof of this theory try to create the two buttons in this way.
Dim button2 AsNew Button
button2.Text = “Button2”
AddHandler button2.Click, AddressOf Button1_Click
IfNotMe.IsPostBack Then
Dim button AsNew Button
button.Text = “Bottone che poi scompare”
AddHandler button.Click, AddressOf Button1_Click
End If
The only differences is that the button that gets created only in the first call now is created after the button with text “Button2”, this means that the id of the button with text “button2” is Ctl22 at each post and all works as expected.
The obvious solution to this kind of problems is to assign an unique ID to each dynamically generated control so the id in the page will be unique and no problem will arise if controls tree change at each postback.