Some information about me
My name is Gian Maria and I was born with a huge interest for computers and everything related, basically I’m a geek. I started playing with my first computer, a commodore Vic20 and I discovered that I really like programming. I had only 3.5 KB of memory for my programs and It seemed to me that computers will really change my life*.
I begin programming in Vic20 BASIC, then BASIC80, then I studied Pascal, Fortran (a little bit), a little bit of prolog and Cobol. When I went to university I began studying C and C++ and began to have great interest in Computer Graphics. You can find some of my works at www.nablasoft.com, but most of them are in Italian (sorry guys ;) ).
I really liked playing around with Playstation2 and the Linux kit (you can find a tutorial on nablasoft site), I was fanatic of Assembly Language and since I studied electronic engineering with specialization in MicroElectronics, it is natural that I loved low level languages.
It was when I started to work professionally that I started focusing more on management than low level details. I’m a fan of Agile processes, could it be Kanban or Scrum and I really love DevOps culture.
I’m working as Independent Consultant in Italy, doing consulting jobs for companies working with .NET Framework and everything around Visual Studio ALM (Azure Devops), I developed both Windows applications and web applications, and I have a great passion for software architecture and anything around it: pattern, ORM, IoC, etc.
I’m currently Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies category and member of some Italian User Groups.
I usually had a blog written in Italian language, but it was idle for really too much time to be considered here.
You can reach me at:
You can also contact me on E-mail ( alkampfer [at] nablasoft [dot] com )
Gian Maria.